COVID-19 Business Assistance

Business and Industry of Greensville County (under 500 employees),

The economic impact of COVID-19 is unfolding daily. In the coming days, weeks and potential months ahead, we need to work together to keep the economy moving forward.

As programs become available, the County will make every effort to mobilize resources towards securing funds.

There are ways you can help. Historically speaking relief funding, loan assistance programs and grants are tethered to data. The more data you have the better you can tell your story.

This is why we are asking that you begin tracking the impact on your business NOW.  Use March 1 as the date that COVID may have started impacting your business. Below is a short list of information that will be helpful to have on hand, please take the time to collect this information on your business now, while adopting new tracking measures daily.


Baseline Data prior to March 1, 2020
·     Full legal name of your business
·     Business open date (month and year)
·     Number of full time employees
·     Number of part time employees
·     Number of seasonal employees
·     Annual gross revenue
·     NAICS Code – if you are unfamiliar with this – please refer to this website >>
·     Operating hours
·     Supply chain and vendor list (not as critical as those items above)
Intermediate Data
·     Monthly gross revenue (past twelve months)
·     Expected gross revenue March-June 2020
COVID-19 Economic Impact Tracking Data as of March 1 and moving forward
·     Percent change in daily gross revenue
·     Change in hours of operation
·     Change in workforce
·     Change in access to supply chain and or vendor relations

For now, we ask is that you gather the information above. You will need most of that information when you apply for any kind of business help.
美国.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is available for applications NOW. In this email, 在我的名字下面, there will be contact information for the business owners in Greensville with regards to these applications.

We are in uncharted territory. Each of us are facing various levels of concern over personal health and safety and community well-being, which includes our business community. While this is a difficult time, especially for the small business industry, we remain optimistic and know that our community is resilient. We are stronger together, and we will endure – together.

Be safe, stay healthy, and be proactive about your business!

Natalie Slate
Director of Economic Development

For an overview go to

If there are folks who prefer to do these things on their own, the following information should help.

If you print a paper form and review it, then have all of your answers prepared from the information listed above, completing the application online and/or discussion with a loan official will be much easier.

The SBA's website for 提交ting forms for EIDL has become much more streamlined. It's no longer a portal, but rather a single "upload" page for business forms and other declarations. Here's the direct link:

For paper forms, go to http://disasterloan.小企业管理局.政府/ela/information/paperforms
If 提交ting paper forms, return completed forms to: Disaster Processing and Disbursement Center at 14925 Kingsport Road,沃斯堡, TX 76155-2243

For assistance email disastercustmerservice@小企业管理局.政府

For customer service via telephone, dial 1-800-659-2955 (TTY 1-800-877-8339) or try 1-202-205-6734.

*This information is also available on the CIty of Emporia website

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